Monday, December 1, 2008

Explosive Power Tools

Last week we went through a book on EPT's or Explosive Power Tools. We all got show how to fire them and all got a go at firing a hilti EPT, witch can fire 10 nails one after the other without stopping to reload. When firing an EPT, u must wear safety glasses, ear protection, steel caps and make sure that everyone around you is no less than 6 metres away.

When we got a go at firing one, we shot a piece of timber onto a I beam. In all other states other that WA a licence is needed to own or use a EPT.

Thier are 2 types of EPT's, direct and indirect firing. This refers to wether the gun has a piston between the cartridge and drive pin or not.

EPT's having different coloured charges that vary the strength of the charge, this is easily remembered by

  • Beer (brown)

  • Gets (green)

  • You (yellow)

  • Really (red)

  • Pissed (purple)

  • With (white)

  • Bouban (black)

Brown being minimum and Black being maximum

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